Life`s a roller coster ride!

Naj začnem ta vpis z verzom oziroma delom ene zelo znane pesmi skupine Bon Jovi: It`s a bitch, yeah life`s a roller coster ride, the ups and downs will make you scream somtimes….
Za prave Bon Jovi fane ne bo težko ugotoviti o kateri pesmi je govora, pa tudi ostali ste jo gotovo že slišali, saj je pesem bila svoj čas zelo velik hit. Tako da bom malo “hudoben” pa Vam naslova ne bom povedal, sicer pa to za sam moj vpis v tem trenutku tako ali tako ni tako pomembno, to je samo asociacija, ki je na nek način vplivala na to, da sem začel pisat ta prispevek… No res pa je, da mi ta pesem v tem trenutku tudi prihaja iz zvočnikov mojega PC. Pa dovolj, vrnimo oziroma lotimo se teme!
Tudi jaz, tako kot vsi ostali imam svoj dobre in svoje slabe dneve. Tudi jaz imam dneve, ko se mi zdi, da bi lahko segel do neba in iz njega odtrgal najlepšo zvezdo in dneve, ko imam občutek, da sem manjši od najmanjšega paramecija…. To je nekaj čisto normalnega, verjamem da je tako pri vsakem izmed nas, torej tudi pri vsakem, ki sedaj bere ta vpis.
Pa poglejmo kakšen sem, ko sem na tleh. Čisto nasprotje tega kar sem ponavadi. Za sebe trdim, da sem po naravi optimist, po naravi človek, ki v vsaki slabi stvari išče (in ponavadi tudi najde) nekaj dobrega, a ko sem na tleh se mi dogaja ravno obratno. Saj res, da v življenju nimam ravno sreče, a na srečo tudi nimam (pretirane!) smole… Pa vseeno ko imam črn dan, je črn v celoti. OK, tudi to ni nič nenavadnega ne?
Kaj je pa po tem sploh tisto, o čemer bi rad v tem vpisu pisal, oziroma česar ne razumem? Pri meni je tako, ko padem v neko večjo krizo, ki se lahko včasih vleče tudi po nekaj dni, je za izhod iz le te potrebno predvsem to, da zadeve razčistim v svoji glavi… Ko mi to enkrat uspe, šele takrat vidim in opazim, da je škoda vsake minute, kaj minute sekunde, katero sem preživel v bediranju zaradi v večini primerov (ne)pomembnih stvari…
Po tem razmisleku ponavadi ugotovim tudi to, da čeprav nimam absolutne oblasti nad vsem kar me večkrat iztiri, pa v večini primerov lahko stvari sam izboljšam oziroma popravim. Res je, da mogoče ne morem spremeniti tega, da si ne morem kupit čevljev za 400 €, lahko pa si izberem druge, ki mi bodo cenovno dosegljivi in me bodo prav tako osrečili. Preden bo kdo rekel: “Ta ni normalen, če se sekira zaradi takih stvari.” naj povem, da so ti čevlji samo metafora, s katero želim povedati, da v življenju pri večini slabih stvari, za katere nam zgleda da ni izhoda iz njih, obstaja neka druga alternativa. Ali če povem drugače, če so zaprta vrata, se bo nekje odprlo okno! Če pa ne, pa se bodo morda odprla katera druga vrata (ali okno), ki vodita prav tako v boljši jutri.
No in po razmisleku o katerem sem prej govoril, ponavadi ugotovim ravno to. Prav nenavadno je, kako hitro se lahko moje razpoloženje in pogled na svet kot celoto, kot tudi moj mali svet popolnoma spremeni. Saj ne trdim, da se na enkrat počutim kot najsrečnejši človek na svetu, ali če se izrazim metaforično, da si lahko grem na enkrat kupit tiste čevlje za 400 €, definitivno pa imam vsaj v tistem trenutku (in po tem naprej, dokler ne nastopi nova kriza ali nov spust) občutek, da sem s pozitivnim razmišljanjem sposoben premagati vse oziroma vsakogar! In to me po tem drži včasih nekaj dni, včasih pa tudi nekaj mesecev…dokler nekega (ponavadi temnega in hladnega) dne spet ne pride tisti občutek, da sem sam proti vsem, da imam najbolj nesrečno usodo na svetu, ali pa vsaj v Sloveniji :) . Tega pa po tem več ne razumem….zakaj se mi to zgodi? Zakaj to dopuščam, čeprav na koncu vedno ugotovim, da mi to ni prineslo ničesar, odneslo pa mi je nekaj trenutkov, ur, dni ali celo tednov, ki se ne bodo več nikoli vrnili, jaz pa sem jih zapravil s tem, ko sem se “sam sebi smilil” dokler nisem šel sam sebi že krepko na živce?
Ne pričakujem, da mi bo kdo dal na to odgovor, oziroma da ga bom sam odkril, saj mislim da če bi mi to uspelo, da bi hitro bil med pametnejšimi (in tudi bogatejšimi ) ljudmi na tem svetu. Je pač že tako, da je to del same »vožnje« življenja, da se moramo tu pa tam kdaj znajti tudi na tleh in zakričati, da bi lahko spet sledil vzpon.. V končni fazi že teorija poslovnih ciklov uči, da po vsaki ekonomski rasti pride padec. Tako da bom se moral s tem tako jaz, kot vsi ostali ki se morda sprašujete podobno kot jaz enostavno sprijaznit.
Pomembno je samo to, da se zavedam, da vsaka minuta, ki mine v neki slabi volji, v nekem »badu« mine za zmeraj… Več kot je takšnih minut, manj bo onih dobrih. Pomembno je tudi, da se zavedam da je dejansko vse v glavi, kot radi rečemo, če bom se trudil bit v glavi pozitiven, bo tudi moja okolica in s tem moje celotno življenje do mene bolj pozitivno. O tem na zelo zanimiv način govori film The secret, ogled katerega priporočam vsem. Sam sem si ga ogledal že nekajkrat, pa čeprav ne morem rečt, da se v celoti strinjam oz da v celoti verjamem vsemu kar so tam povedali, pa je osnovna ideja gotovo resnična. Zakon privlačnosti. Negativno razmišljanje privlači še več negativnega, pozitivno razmišljanje privlači pozitivne stvari….
Tako, tudi s tem vpisom sem na nek način premagal to »depresijo« v kateri sem se znašel v zadnjih nekaj dneh. Če bodo tukaj napisane besede pomagale še komu drugemu super, če pa ne, pa glavno da grem jaz z jadri obrnjenimi v pravo (pozitivno!) smer naprej… Upam, da bo to potovanje trajalo čim dlje, čeprav na podlagi preteklih izkušenj vem, da bo slej kot prej verjetno spet prišel kak padec…. A tako pač žal je.
Do naslednjega vpisa… Obilo dobre volje, čim manj kriz in predvsem veliko pozitivnega razmišljanja!

Naga sadhu

Sadhu is a Sanskrit term that originated in the Vedic/Hindu Dharma, otherwise called Hinduism. It is a common term in India for a renounced ascetic or yogi who has given up pursuit of the first three Hindu goals of life: kama (pleasure), artha (wealth and power) and even dharma (duty), solely dedicated to achieving moksha (liberation) through meditation and contemplation of God.

Naga sadhu is in Hinduism is a generic term for those who have devoted themselves to a religious, strictly ascetic life, particularly it refers to the monks of the various Hindu religious. Naga Sadhu means an ascetic wandering monk in India, who is also naked. Most Naga sadhu are yogis, but not all yogis are sadhu. A female naga sadhu is naga sadhvi.

The sadhus are something like India’sanswer to the social security system. They are renunciates who have left behind all material and sexual attachments and live in caves, forests and temples all over India. The word comes from the Sanskrit ‘to practice’ and the practice of meditation is supposed to be what they’re about, more or less.

The Naga Sadhus who descend the Himalayas during the Kumbh Mela are not the same as those worshipped as deities! The former practice cult religions such as Shakta or Naga and are typically known as Sadhus or ascetics. They are detached from life, although not necessarily devoid of its pleasures (like narcotics, sex etc.) The Sadhus practice rituals involving fire, water, yoga, and meditation, and beg for a living, following the lifestyle of  Lord Shiva.

There are naked Naga sadhus with thick dreadlocks or Jata, who carry swords and there are Agora babas who may keep company with ghosts in their holy path. Everything has a place in India and the number of paths to God is considered as infinite. You could even come to Enlightenment by milking holy cows.

The Sanskrit terms sādhu that means good man and sādhvī (meaning good woman) refer to renouncers who have chosen to live a life apart from or on the edges of society in order to focus on their own spiritual practice. A Sadhu is usually referred to as Baba by common people. The word baba also means father, grandfather, or uncle in many Indian languages.

A sadhu who has completely abandoned the worldly life, ascetic lives and is in the fourth and final phase of the Vedic ashram system is a sannyasin, a "renunciate". But there are also sadhus who marry and start families, such as the Baul, members of a mystical sect in eastern India. Baul roam, sing in villages and towns and its traditional religious songs earn their livelihood with the donations. They have modest homes.

Other sadhus form communities in ashrams or live in dwellings that are associated with temples. Here they devote themselves to the spiritual life, study and teach the scriptures. Many sadhus deal besides spiritual activities with philanthropic and humanitarian work, particularly those that are known as the Ramakrishna Mission, and the Swaminarayan mission, both very popular in India. They help organize and arrange disaster relief for the pur.

Some wandering, particularly ascetic sadhus, the sannyasins, are content with any place near a temple, others live in caves or are completely homeless on constant wandering. Many sadhus smoking ganja (marijuana) for the purpose of meditation. Sannyas is the last of the four stages of an ideal Hindu life, the Dharma, the Hindu ethics, provides desirable. In the last section of life, it is therefore appropriate to solve all of the mundane and homeless, charitable gifts of nurturing, devoted to the search for redemption.

However, many men choose from a young age to live a life as a Sadhu. After the decision for self-denial is made, the seeker joins a guru who introduces him to the spiritual teaching as well as the techniques of asceticism and meditation, and he serves as a student. Then he takes off a personal vow that imposes different requirements depending on the requirements of the respective gurus. This may be homelessness, poverty, sexual abstinence, fasting and total frugality. Quite a few sadhus live in complete nudity. The Hindu religious belong to completely different currents and countless sub-groups that represent their sadhus also different demands.

Sadhus in India are usually very respected because their asceticism is seen not only as a personal task, but also act as a sacrifice for many.

Besides the sadhus who are dedicated to the spiritual development, but there are also some who, in order to demonstrate their utter devotion, perform bizarre performance: Some individual Naga sadhi have set World Records such as holding one arm since in the air 25 years . Such actions are seen as sacrifices for the particular God. Through them, the sadhus seek a mystical insight.

Naga baba

The Naga (which means "naked") form a Shiva Baba sect of ascetic warriors. Their existence is probably very old and, unlike other sadhu, they are vindictive, organized into seven akhara, that is to say, regiments and easily enter into conflict with the other sects. They even fought militarily against Muslims and against the British. They now often sport weapons rather symbolic, like swords, sticks, spears and especially the trident, a sign of Shiva.

As their name suggests, they often walk around without any clothing, as Digambara Jain monks, which are themselves non-violent. They are specialists in the mortification of their penis, often attaching heavy weights in order to sexualize, proven practice by Abbe Dubois, a leading Indologists. Their body is smeared with ashes from the fire burning day and night in honor of Shiva, or rather collected on the cremation grounds. Ash is what remains when a body is consumed: the ego is annihilated. This is how the naga baba sadhu proclaim their detachment from worldly affairs.

Indian naga sadhu

An indian naga sadhu (Sanskrit, m, साधु, sadhu, lit:. "Good person") is a Hindu ascetic or yoga practitioner (yogi) that follows the first three Hindu goals of life: kama (pleasure), artha (wealth), dharma (right action) provided. A sadhu is fully committed to achieving moksha spiritual liberation through meditation.
The sadhus in Hinduism come from the former Sramana's, ajivaka and paribbajaka's who lived in the time of the Buddha, groups of ascetics who are not the teachings of Brahmanism adhered: Brahmanism had in fact no monks or ascetics. There is a great diversity of ideas, beliefs and practices that adhere to the sadhus. In the Pali language of Theravada Buddhism, including in Sri Lanka, the word sadhu (sadhu) means it's good, I'm happy with it.

How to become a naga sadhu

via Wikipedia:

Becoming a sadhu is not for everyone. It is supposed to be the fourth phase of a Hindu’s life, after studies, being a father and a pilgrim but for most it’s not a practical option. There are some who fake holy status to gain respect but they are soon found out by any real baba.

Becoming a sadhu is no easy option either. You have to die onto yourself and may be required to attend your own funeral before following a guru for many years. You carry his stuff, you make the fire, you bring the water and so on until you have enough experience under your belt to strike out on your own.
While many dispute whether a Westerner may become a Hindu, he may become a sadhu provided he finds a guru that will accept him.

Naga Sadhu photos